Functional Assessment of Behavior Statement of the Scientific and Pedagogical Problem


This article reflects the research of foreign scientists on the concept of «functional assessment of behavior», its functions and tasks, the specifics of its application, and also the scientific and pedagogical problems of applying the method of functional assessment of behavior in the work of teachers in general education schools. This method allows researchers and practitioners to determine the cause that causes this or that undesirable (problem) behavior and is included in the standard of knowledge of a professional American psychologist and educator. Functional assessment of behavior is used in the study of behavioral problems, such as aggressive and destructive, in particular, selfdamaging behavior. Particularly relevant was the study of tools that allow for effective correction of behavior, both in the conditions of education and in the family. Even experienced teachers are faced with the need for correction and correction of unwanted behavior of students, because it directly affects the quality of the educational process, assimilation of information and performance of students in training. Undesirable behavior directly affects both the student himself, serving as the source of «bad» behavior, and other participants in the educational process. One way of addressing this issue may be to provide functional behavior assessment tailored to the needs of pedagogical activities for work in schools, and to address issues of student’s unwanted behaviors. The article also reflects the possibilities and limitations of the applied method. According to experts, evaluation of functional behavior is more practical, if it is simplified, allowing the specialist in the school to independently conduct a functional assessment of behavior that requires relatively simple individualized supports.

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How To Cite

А. С. ТАНЦУРА (2018). Functional Assessment of Behavior Statement of the Scientific and Pedagogical Problem. Педагогіка формування творчої особистості у вищій і загальноосвітній школах, 58(), 223-227.