Genetically modified organisms (GMO) on our table – progress or disaster

Journal Title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek - Year 2011, Vol 65, Issue 12


A few weeks ago, President Bronisław Komorowski has vetoed the so-called “Seed Law” on GM crops, following a series of consultations with experts. President had referred to the bill as “legal junk”, affirming that the act had become so muddled as to be incompatible with the law. The President had earlier insisted that there is no scientific evidence to confirm that GMO practices are harmful to humans or the environment. Genetic engineering and GMO production could be key to solve most of problems of modern agriculture and medicine. On the other hand, this technology has raised publics fears. This article presents main methods of genetic transformation. It also discussed the benefits and potential risk of introducing the GMO into the environment.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Węgrzyn


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How To Cite

Anna Węgrzyn (2011). Genetically modified organisms (GMO) on our table – progress or disaster. CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek, 65(12), 1295-1300.