Gheorghe-Mihai Popilian (28 October 1926 – 10 February 2016)
Journal Title: Arheologia Moldovei - Year 2016, Vol 39, Issue 1
Gheorghe-Mihai Popilian (28 October 1926 – 10 February 2016)
Authors and Affiliations
Considerații preliminare referitoare la descoperirile getice din stațiunea de la Gănești – Tironu (comuna Ion Neculce, jud. Iași)
The present paper aims to bring into discussion a series of unpublished archaeological materials, found as a result of numerous field surveys carried out over several years in the site of Gănești – Tironu. Of the discove...
Cercetarea de suprafaţă din comuna Strunga (jud. Iași), punctul Dealul Pârjolita [Field investigation in the commune of Strunga (Iaşi county), at the point of Dealul Pârjolita]
The field research at Strunga (Iași County) revealed a valuable archaeological complex dating from the 4th century AD which, in accordance with the discovered artifacts, belongs to the Sântana de Mureș – Černjakhov cultu...
Amfore romane aflate în colecția Muzeului școlar al Liceului Teoretic „Ion Neculce” din Târgu Frumos (jud. Iași)
The authors of this article take into discussion the discoveries of roman amphorae from Buznea, Giurgești, Oboroceni and Războieni, Iași county. From typological point o view in this place were identified 4 types of amph...
Observații antropologice în legătură cu complexul monahal de la Dumbrăveni, jud. Constanța
The authors present their historical and anthropological observations concerning bone fragments belonging to a person buried in the 4th century AD in the monastical rupestral complex in Dumbraveni, Constanta county, in D...
Gheorghe Dumitroaia (23 April 1949 – 6 April 2016)
Gheorghe Dumitroaia (23 April 1949 – 6 April 2016)