Historia jednego domu: Mikroświat(ek) jurydyki kapituły katedralnej w Wilnie w XVI i w początku XVII wieku
Journal Title: Wschodni Rocznik Humanistyczny - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 2
Despite many years of research on the history of the city of Wilno (Vilnius), we still know little about the city’s houses and streets. The jurydyki of the capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania are equally under-researched. On the basis of manuscript sources an attempt has been made by the Author to establish the successive possessors of a particular Vilnan tenement, on Bernardine Street, belonging to the Cathedral Chapter, who in the course of almost a century contributed to its material improvement, in various degrees. It is exceptionally difficult to arrive at a pattern on the basis of these sources. As a rule, it was the constellation of interests in the Vilnan Church that was decisive in the chapter’s grant of the house to a particular clergyman. It is significant that the conduct of the option on the house among the members of the chapter, and even the date of its commencement, could vary according to current needs. The motive could be the wish to gain the goodwill of influential persons. It is striking how loosely the regulations could be interpreted depending on the intention. It appears that the way in which the statutes were interpreted was adapted to situations and persons.
Authors and Affiliations
Wioletta Pawlikowska-Butterwick
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