Implementasi Logika Fuzzy Untuk Pilot Agent Dalam Simulator Pengendali Lalu Lintas Udara (ATC Simulator)
Journal Title: Jurnal INFOTEL - Year 2014, Vol 6, Issue 1
Air Traffic Control Simulator has implemented pilot agent inside. The Air Traffic Control simulator could be used as a media to introduce or to practice in air traffic controlling matter. A scenario to deal with severe weathers is crucial to be presented to the simulator user. The pilot agent in this simulator is designed to have an ability to respond the weather symptom which is given by the administrator or instructor before the simulator run. The pilot agent perform the respond as an issues that must be solved by the simulator user. This research choose a weather symptom called microburst as a trigger for the pilot agent respon. Pilot in real world predict the probability of microburst by pay an attention to the visualization of the weather around and from the weather report. The pilot behaviour in predicting and dealing with the microburst probabilities is simulated in this research. This research design and apply a reasoning system for the pilot agent in microburst prediction, in air traffic control simulator environment which is developed by the ATC Simulator Team. The weather parameters used in this research are limited to the rainfall intensity and the dew point spread. A fuzzy reasoning method pilot agent in predicting and dealing with the microburst probability is implemented successfully in this research.
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