Improvement of Pedagogic Competency Teacher SD Negeri 104230 Tanjung Sari District Of Batang Kuis
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSRJRME) - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 1
This study aims to determine what efforts are made SD Negeri 104230 Tanjung Sari District Batang Kuis in increasing pedagogic competence of teachers. Knowing the type and process improvement pedagogic competence as well as inhibiting factors. The researchers studied the theory as the basis of this research is the competence of teachers, pedagogical competence of teachers, improving the pedagogical competence of teachers. The method used is qualitative. The object of this research is the researchers themselves. While the resources are divided into four parameters: Context, Actors, Events, Processes. The data collection technique used is observation, interview and documentation study. Collecting field data using field notes as a medium to write information obtained data. The process of analyzing data using a matrix, code, and categorization. Meanwhile, to deepen the data obtained information using triangulation techniques. The results showed that the type of increase pedagogical competence of teachers who do SDN 104 230 Tanjung Sari, among others: (1) Opt to include teachers in training activities. (2) Working Group Master. (3) The appointment of teachers. (4) Supervision. (5) Subject Teachers Council. While the inhibiting factors increase pedagogical competence is funding and low motivation of some teachers
Authors and Affiliations
Toto Mulya, Siman . , Sukirno .
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