In the labyrinth of interpretations – plastique animée in the context of an open work

Journal Title: "Konteksty Kształcenia Muzycznego" - Year 2018, Vol 5, Issue 1


Plastique animée is an artistic superstructure of the Emil Jaques-Dalcroze method and its key issue lies in musical expression of movement. In the process of developing a kinesthetic interpretation of a musical work, it is difficult to find an original manner of reading music, particularly with regard to modern compositions. For they do not carry clear messages, thus giving much room for diverse methods of analyzing the work, depending on imagination, knowledge and sensitivity of an interpreter. The term of an ‘open work’, understood by Umberto Eco as the ambiguity of an artistic message, stems from its indescribability. The final form of this type of a work is given to it by a recipient, who interprets it from one’s own individual perspective. As a result of a high receptiveness level of contemporary music, which does not express emotions in an unambiguous way, the plastique animée artist therefore focuses one’s attention primarily on the abundance of spatial and kinesthetic forms. Lack of specified functional progressions makes it harder to anticipate the course of music and thus eliminates stereotyping on the part of a recipient. Work on the realization of an open work in the context of plastique animée is a kind of creative training which develops an innovative attitude. The author of the article presents problems that arise during realization of plastique animée, related to interpretation of an open work.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Anetta Pasternak


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  • EP ID EP422556
  • DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0012.8036
  • Views 123
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How To Cite

Anetta Pasternak (2018). In the labyrinth of interpretations – plastique animée in the context of an open work. "Konteksty Kształcenia Muzycznego", 5(1), 75-84.