Individual Coaching in the Service of Retaining Talent in Private Businesses

Journal Title: Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi - Year 2018, Vol 125, Issue 6


Talent management (TM), a competitive advantage for businesses, plays a crucial role in human resource management. The focus of this research paper is to show how individual coaching can help retain talents in a small private company in Hungary. The paper begins with an explanation of as well as the definition of talent and talent management, summarizing talent management theoretical models and the variables needed for a successful application of talent management. According to the definitions, talent management involves attracting, retaining, managing, and developing talents. At the same time it has been found that most of the research fails to examine the size of the business as a variable in the success of talent management. This research fills a gap in TM and is designed to show a correlation between talent management and the size of the business. A questionnaire was used in this research to find out whether the size of a business determines the success of talent management. The answers were analyzed using a Likert scale. According to the results, no correlation has been found between the size of a business and the success of the implementation of talent management. This paper shows how private coaching, as a method of TM, can help a small business in retaining talents.

Authors and Affiliations

Csilla Czeglédi, Klára Veresné Valentinyi


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How To Cite

Csilla Czeglédi, Klára Veresné Valentinyi (2018). Individual Coaching in the Service of Retaining Talent in Private Businesses. Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi, 125(6), 83-96.