Influence of drift gyroscope on the accuracy of complementary filter
Journal Title: Механіка гіроскопічних систем - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 36
The paper deals with the analysis and synthesis of a complementary filter. The focus is on studying the effect of gyro drift on the accuracy of the filter. It is shown that the presence of errors can be associated with an additional rotation matrix, which is the sum of the unit and small skew-symmetric matrix. The structure of the moment of the complementary filter correction is substantiated. The feature of filter functioning in an arbitrary reference coordinate system is presented. In an arbitrary coordinate system there will be the effect of drifts with respect to all axes of the reference coordinate system. The efficiency of a magnetometer introduction into the complementary filter is investigated. It is shown that due to the proper choosing оf the transfer function in the accelerometer correction channel, it is possible to eliminate the systematic error not only from the gyroscope signal, but also from the magnetometer signal.
Authors and Affiliations
L. М. Ryzkov, О. S. Volkov
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