Innovation cooperation of industrial enetrprises in supply networks. Lubuskie voivoidship case study between the years 2008–2010

Journal Title: International Journal of Contemporary Management - Year 2012, Vol 11, Issue 4


Among all the surveyed industrial enterprises in Lubuskie less than half of the surveyed en-tities collaborate in the area of innovation. In the tested group of companies, it was larger companies who were shown to have most propensity to adopt an innovative collaboration. To sum up, the impact of distance operators involved in the supply chain cooperating with innovative actors should be divided into two groups. The first group are: suppliers and competitors, the others: public, universities, individual PAN, domestic and foreign research and development units.In the case of cooperation with industrial companies in Lubuskie between 2008–2010 dif-ferent patterns were noticed with players from both groups. In a situation where industrial compa-nies cooperate with entities from the first group (suppliers and competitors), was the argument of proximity to the cooperation conducive to innovation. This is particularly evident in the case of industrial cooperation with suppliers. For the existence of this cooperation it was beneficial to have: a regional sales market, competitors and customers located locally, or regionally located.The industrial enterprises cooperating with entities from the second group with a signifi-cant distance argued favorably to cooperate innovation. This is particularly evident in the case of industrial cooperation with customers. For the existence of this cooperation the most benefit was: a market for international suppliers and customers located outside the country. However, the cooperation between the two companies concerned has meant an adversely affected local sales range.

Authors and Affiliations

Marek Tomaszewski


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How To Cite

Marek Tomaszewski (2012). Innovation cooperation of industrial enetrprises in supply networks. Lubuskie voivoidship case study between the years 2008–2010. International Journal of Contemporary Management, 11(4), 73-83.