Intermediality in Lesya Ukrainka’s early poetry


The article tries to analyze early poems of the collection of poems On the wings of songs by Lesya Ukrainka. Intermediality researches in literary studies were initiated at the close of the 19th century. Thus far they continue to be a relatively new current, which entails fixation of sprinkling with other forms of art in a fictional work, promotes loss of pressure in a text, assimilates it with visual pictorial art, plasticity of sculpture, expressiveness of music, etc.

Authors and Affiliations

Л. В. Волошук


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How To Cite

Л. В. Волошук (2017). Intermediality in Lesya Ukrainka’s early poetry. Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Серія «Філологія», 29(1), 12-15.