It support for internal activities in SMTE as a remedy for crisis situations

Journal Title: International Journal of Contemporary Management - Year 2013, Vol 12, Issue 1


Tourist enterprises more and more often use information technologies to support their external relations and internal processes as well. In the presented paper the second direction will be discussed in more detail. In this sphere the main result of IT applications is internal excellence, that is built by: task automation, support for decision making, Knowledge management and for business processes and structures development. In this way organizational competitiveness is improved and long term business development is facilitated. The aim of this paper is to present the status quo as well as changes to internal IT support in small and medium tourist enterprises and to depict their correlations with other competitiveness levers. The goal will be realized based on the results of the empirical research, that was conducted by the Department of Management in Tourism among 74 SMTE’s. The paper will be closed by conclusions and practical recommendations with reference to the covered problems, and some suggested directions for further research will be enumerated as well.

Authors and Affiliations

Sebastian Kopera


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How To Cite

Sebastian Kopera (2013). It support for internal activities in SMTE as a remedy for crisis situations. International Journal of Contemporary Management, 12(1), 115-123.