Journal Title: Naukowy Przegląd Dziennikarski - Year 2013, Vol 1, Issue 2


The title is perceived as the composition element of some work (and in a way the press can this way be understood), however he stays apart from linguistic reflection usually. The title of the magazine can be treated as onim (the proper name); he has the structure typical of the proper name and semantics; he is some linguistic phrase which in named terms constitutes the announcement intelligible to the recipient. And so the title has two dimensions: outside - he is a label and he is marking something; internal - he constitutes the announcement of the whole, he is disclosing the scope of the contents included in the letter and the subject matter of individual articles. Peculiarly firmly the role of the title of the magazine is becoming apparent in case of the regional local press, because he is informing newspapers of the kind (in terms of the frequency of appearing [weekly, monthly etc.], of assumed form [bulletin, guide, chronicle etc.], of scope of appearing [e.g. region, city, district]), the title is detecting the main characters of the discourse (e.g.: commune office - her residents, association - his members and sympathizers etc.), he is also announcing contents (he literally determines the thematic content of the letter or metaphorically, indirectly is pointing to their importance for some group). So the title of the local magazine is performing two functions above all: of nomination and identification and also – as the metatext – semantic. In the article linguistic indicators of community and identities were highlighted. In this respect titles of the press being published in a Silesian province were observed.

Authors and Affiliations

Jarosław Pacuła


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How To Cite

Jarosław Pacuła (2013). JĘZYKOWE SYGNAŁY WSPÓLNOTOWOŚCI I TOŻSAMOŚCI LOKALNEJ W TYTUŁACH PRASY REGIONALNEJ (NA MATERIALE PRASY WOJEWÓDZTWA ŚLĄSKIEGO). Naukowy Przegląd Dziennikarski, 1(2), 32-44. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-76141