Językowe uwarunkowania wczesnych umiejętności czytania i pisania na podstawie oceny nauczyciela z wykorzystaniem Skali Prognoz Edukacyjnych IBE

Journal Title: Educational Psychology - Year 2017, Vol 53, Issue 11


The paper presents studies on the relationship between the results obtained using the IBE Educational Prognosis Scale as a tool for educational diagnosis based on observation of children by the teacher and their actual reading and writing achievement. The IBE Educational Prognosis Scale allows for assessment of linguistic proficiency in terms of the child’s current phonological skills and language development history. The reading and writing assessments were conducted using the IBE Reading Assessment Battery and IBE Spelling Assessment Battery. The study covered teacher’s observations on 1249 children in Grade I as well as their reading and spelling scores. An analysis of teachers’ assessment and literacy scores obtained by children indicates important, generally moderate, correlations. The child’s linguistic development assessed by the teacher on the observational basis is related to the child's current linguistic development, including the development of skills in the areas of grammar, vocabulary and phonology. The relationship between the reading skill and early linguistic development (in the first five years of life) and selected aspects of current development as evaluated by parents is significant but much weaker. A regression analysis for reading indicates that teacher’s observations regarding both language development and early childhood progression in reading, such as letter knowledge and reading strategies, are the best indicators of potential difficulty in this area — better than information concerning early language development provided by parents. Similar results were obtained for the spelling skills.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Wiejak, Grażyna Krasowicz-Kupis, Elżbieta Awramiuk


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How To Cite

Katarzyna Wiejak, Grażyna Krasowicz-Kupis, Elżbieta Awramiuk (2017). Językowe uwarunkowania wczesnych umiejętności czytania i pisania na podstawie oceny nauczyciela z wykorzystaniem Skali Prognoz Edukacyjnych IBE. Educational Psychology, 53(11), 41-63. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-230867