Justification for the system of social passport indicators in a pharmacy institution


The aim of the study is to justify the need to introduce social standards in pharmacy in-stitutions and to determine the methodology for estimation of the social passport of a pharmacy by calculating the criteria, which characterize the social structure of the labour collective, working conditions, cultural and living conditions, payment and labour disci-pline, main scientific and practical approaches to policy of social security implementation in the pharmaceutical sector. Materials and methods: formal and logical method, system analysis, method of analogy and comparison, analysis of documents and results of sociological research. Results. The article states that the introduction of the technology of social passportization of a pharmacy institution will provide a systematic approach to the calculation of the level of social development of a pharmacy and the evaluation of the indicators for achieving the standards of social passport. Comparing the final values of the indicators of social development over the years studied, we can conclude that positive effect on the social development of a pharmacy institution of implemented measures on social protection of pharmacy professionals (PhP). Due to the implementation of these measures, the overall level of social development has increased from 50 % in 2015 to 74 % in 2016. It has been proved that social passportization of a pharmacy institution requires adequate organiza-tional support and the definition of the main indicators for assessing the social standards of pharmacy institutions; and these indicators have been generalized. Conclusions. Determined by the system of assessments, obtained as a result of the analy-sis of the data of the non-financial reporting of the enterprise, the ranks of priorities for certain areas of social policy of the investigated pharmacy institution have been used as the necessary information base for solving the tasks of planning of its social development, formulation of recommendations for the development of social sphere and justification of socially significant measures. According to the results of the research, priority measures of further social development are identified, which solve a complex of problems of improv-ing the existing social status of a pharmacy institution and contribute to a significant eco-nomic effect.

Authors and Affiliations

M. V. Zarichkova, O. M. Dolzhnikova, T. F. Muzika


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  • EP ID EP659478
  • DOI 10.24959/uekj.19.6
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How To Cite

M. V. Zarichkova, O. M. Dolzhnikova, T. F. Muzika (2019). Justification for the system of social passport indicators in a pharmacy institution. Управління, економіка та забезпечення якості в фармації, 1(57), 11-20. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-659478