K. S. Stanislavsky “System” and its Place in the Actor’s Formation and Spiritual of the XXth and XXIst Century Theater Transformation


The <strong>purpose of this article</strong> is an attempt to outline the range of literary and practical sources that can bring the “system’s” key issues to an effective solution that can influence the content and the actor’s course level of performance based on the Stanislavsky “system’s”. To clarify the content the “system” author has put into the concept of “nature – the only character creator”. <strong>The methodology of</strong><strong> the research</strong> is to apply theatrical and arts criticism, systemic and structural as well as comparative methods, which allowed considering the investigated object as a necessary factor in the contemporary actor education. <strong>The novelty of work</strong>.<strong> </strong>For the first time, there was made an attempt to outline a range of factors, due to the influence of which it becomes possible to enrich the content of work with the actor’s course on the of K. S. Stanislavsky “system”. A particular attention has been paid to the analysis of the Theater of Objective Art’s emergence, formation, development and establishment. <strong>Conclusions </strong>Summarizing the above mentioned, it can be argued that a special attention should be paid not to the very Stanislavsky system reconstruction, but to the need for creation and practical mastering the work with an actor method corresponding to the level of science development in the second half of the XX<sup>th</sup> century and at the beginning of the XXI<sup>st</sup> century. The universal multicultural methodology should harmonize the practical component of the actor’s pre-expressive practice with its scientific justification.

Authors and Affiliations

Almuwail Fadhel


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  • EP ID EP575077
  • DOI 10.31866/2616-759x.1.2018.144694
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How To Cite

Almuwail Fadhel (2018). K. S. Stanislavsky “System” and its Place in the Actor’s Formation and Spiritual of the XXth and XXIst Century Theater Transformation. Вісник Київського національного університету культури і мистецтв. Серія: Сценічне мистецтво, 0(1), 6-18. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-575077