Kilka uwag o czeskim przekładzie Pawia królowej Doroty Masłowskiej
Journal Title: Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich - Year 2012, Vol 3, Issue 1
Barbora Gregorová, translator of Dorota Masłowska’s books to Czech language, presented to Czech readers a novel very complicated to translate — Paw królowej (Czech title: Královnina šavle). If we compare the text of original with the translation, we can find many groups of problems, which are present in Czech text, among them: unexpected strong rhythmization and vulgarization of the text, incorrect use of contemporary Czech language (obecná čeština), redundancy in translation or mistakes, which are the result of wrong understanding of original text by the translator. These problems do not disqualify Czech translation, because they do not dominate inventive, daring translating ideas of Bára Gregorová.
Authors and Affiliations
Izabela Mroczek
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