Kliniczna ocena tomografi i komputerowej nosa i zatok przynosowych
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 62, Issue 5
Introduction. Computed tomography is a basic imaging technique in nose and paranasal sinuses disease’s nowadays. Aim. The aim of the study was to outline current methodology of CT scanning of nose and paranasal sinuses. Material and methods. This study is based on the experience of Department of Otorhinolaryngology of Medical University of Łódź in evaluation by CT scanning patients with nose/paranasal sinuses problems and on the literature concerning this problem. Results. Pictures in three planes (axial, coronal , sagittal) are obtained from multi-row CT scanner. However in some cases 3D reconstructions are useful. The thickness of the single layer is 0,625 or 1mm. In case of tumor suspicion contrast CT scanning is a routine procedure. The analysis of pictures is preceded by anamnesis and careful rhinologic examination. Coronal scans are evaluated as fi rst and they are divided into four zones (frontal sinus, anterior ethmoid cells, posterior ethmoid cells and sphenoid sinus zones) for more systematic analysis. Then axial and sagittal scans are examined. Every single structure and its anatomical variations are named by using current terminology outlined during International Conference of Sinus Disease in Princeton in 1993 by The Anatomic Terminology Group. Conclusions. Quality and quantity of the information from CT of nose and paranasal sinuses depends on keeping some rules concerning the stage of performing the examination and the stage of its evaluation and applying current anatomic terminology.
Authors and Affiliations
Wojciech Skóra, Zbigniew Kozłowski, Katarzyna Dąbrowska, Marcin Mazerant
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