La plausible impronta (política) de Diderot en Kant

Journal Title: Ideas y Valores - Revista Colombiana de Filosofí­a - Year 2017, Vol 66, Issue 163


Just as Hume awoke Kant from his dogmatic slumber and Rousseau unveiled the moral world for him, Diderot may have introduced him to the universe of politics. Without knowing it, the mature Kant might have been quite influenced by both the Diderot who made the History of the Two Indies the “Bible of revolutions” and that of the Encyclopedia. The article defends the thesis that the entire Enlightenment project was a radical one and that it is convenient to downplay the distinction between moderate and radical Enlightenment, given that their commonalities seem to outweigh their differences. Spinoza and Heine could be useful in terms of highlighting this idea.

Authors and Affiliations

Roberto Aramayo


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  • EP ID EP323752
  • DOI 10.15446/ideasyvalores.v66n163.61939
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How To Cite

Roberto Aramayo (2017). La plausible impronta (política) de Diderot en Kant. Ideas y Valores - Revista Colombiana de Filosofí­a, 66(163), 13-37.