Styl francuski do dziś ma szczególne miejsce w rozwoju muzyki klawesynowej. Pośród wielu znakomitych kompozytorów z tego okresu wyróżnia się niewątpliwie mistrz miniatury ilustracyjnej François Couperin, zwany przez wspó...
This year marks the 100th birthday anniversary of Dinu Lipatti (1917–1950), a Romanian pianist and composer. This artist’s profile is worth recalling primarily because of his pianistic achievements: a combination of resp...
The article touches on the harpsichord works written by Paweł Szymański, an outstanding
Polish composer. Its short introduction outlines the state of contemporary Polish harpsichord
music since 1936. Then in presents com...
Monastery of the Order of St Paul in Jasna Góra has performed an important role in the history of Polish music culture. A vocal and instrumental ensemble, the peak development of which fell in the second half of the 18th...
Viola d’amore – an instrument with sympathetic strings which obtained its final shape in the 18th century – is a string chordophone with structure features similar to the soprano or alto type of viola da gamba. Subsequen...
Muzyczne portrety kobiet w twórczości klawesynowej François Couperina
Styl francuski do dziś ma szczególne miejsce w rozwoju muzyki klawesynowej. Pośród wielu znakomitych kompozytorów z tego okresu wyróżnia się niewątpliwie mistrz miniatury ilustracyjnej François Couperin, zwany przez wspó...
Dinu Lipatti – the piano prince
This year marks the 100th birthday anniversary of Dinu Lipatti (1917–1950), a Romanian pianist and composer. This artist’s profile is worth recalling primarily because of his pianistic achievements: a combination of resp...
Utwory klawesynowe Pawła Szymańskiego
The article touches on the harpsichord works written by Paweł Szymański, an outstanding Polish composer. Its short introduction outlines the state of contemporary Polish harpsichord music since 1936. Then in presents com...
Arrangements of mass cycles in the creative output of Marcin Żebrowski and Johann Alois Lamboy
Monastery of the Order of St Paul in Jasna Góra has performed an important role in the history of Polish music culture. A vocal and instrumental ensemble, the peak development of which fell in the second half of the 18th...
Viola d’amore in the 17th and 18th centuries, part 2
Viola d’amore – an instrument with sympathetic strings which obtained its final shape in the 18th century – is a string chordophone with structure features similar to the soprano or alto type of viola da gamba. Subsequen...