Lean management w medycynie ratunkowej
Journal Title: Na Ratunek - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 2
Lean management was introduced in the Toyota company to improve work and to protect company form bankruptcy. As the rules of Lean have been found as a great tool for car the industry, top management has wanted to introduce Lean thinking in healthcare. Lean management has been implemented into healthcare in some aspects in a few countries (e.g.: Great Britain, Denmark, Sweden). Rich countries save money and try to work more efficiently. What about Poland? We have prepared a short survey about selected aspects of Lean and found out that it is not a wellknown tool. Only 22.2% of those surveyed have stated that they used it. In conclusion we think that there is a chance to improve the healthcare system in Poland as well as emergency medicine by introducing Lean thinking and Lean tools into the Polish medicine (Polish healthcare). We can work with better quality and the medical system can save money.
Authors and Affiliations
dr n. med. Dariusz Timler, Wojciech Timler, mgr Katarzyna Starosta-Głowińska, lek. Jacek Nowakowski, dr n. med. Piotr Kaźmierski, Krystyna Frydrysiak, dr n. med. Paweł Rasmus, dr n. med. Anna Samborska-Sablik
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