Levels of work-related stress and workplace stressors in paramedics’ work
Journal Title: Pielęgniarstwo XXI wieku - Year 2014, Vol 13, Issue 1
Introduction. The paramedic profession is associated with variability of stressful situations, especially: life-threatening events, suffering of casualties, illness and death, as well as interpersonal conflicts and work overload. Aim. This paper aims at assessing the levels of experienced stress and identifying stressors among professionally active paramedics based on their gender, age, and work experience. Methods. A survey was carried out between 25 April 2013 and 25 May 2013 in the Centre of Medical Rescue and Sanitary Transportation in Kielce, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship among 98 paramedics. Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10) was implemented to determine stress intensity in the first part of the survey. The second part of the instrument comprised a self-formulated questionnaire assessing the occurrence of work-related stressors and traumas. Results. A low level of stress intensity is characteristic for 32.62% of respondents, an average level defines 34.69% of the surveyed, whereas 32.65% of the studied paramedics are described by high levels of work-related stress. Furthermore, the statistical analysis has proven that individuals under the age of 30 years and with work experience below 5 years are characterized by a low level of stress. The respondents between 31 and 45 years of age and work experience 6 -15 years exhibit high levels of stress. The paramedics over 45 years of age with 15 years’ work experience show average levels of stress (p <0.05). In addition, more than half of the respondents consider the presence of children among victims as the most stressful factor in their work (52.04%). Other traumatic events include a direct threat to life (18.37%), gruesome views (14.29%), danger to co-workers’ life (11.22%). Conclusions. These findings indicate that a majority of the surveyed paramedics are characterized by an average level of work-related stress. One third of respondents have revealed high levels of stress. Furthermore, work experience and age are statistically significant as far as stress levels are concerned. Additionally, older people and these characterized by long years of service present themselves with higher levels of stress. Moreover, it was proven that there exists a close correlation between stress intensity and gender of surveyed paramedics.
Authors and Affiliations
Barbara Ślusarska, Grzegorz Nowicki, Dorota Jędrzejewicz
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