Личные дела членов бессарабского землячества студентов Киевского коммерческого института как ценный источник к истории Молдавии и украинско-молдавских отношений в начале XX века.

Journal Title: Moldoscopie - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 3


The article is based on the analysis of documents contained in personal profiles of students of Moldavian descent of the Kyiv Commercial Institute. These archive documents are put into the scientific circulation for the first time. These documents allow to reconstruct different facts of life of students of Moldavian decent in Kyiv. In particular, it was possible to obtain information not only about their academic performance, but about their financial situation, etc. They shed light on their social origin, ethnic affiliation, and nature of their secondary education. Also, these document allows to say how much representative of different social and ethnic groups aspired to higher education and therefore to professional activity in the economic field. This information helps to explain value attitudes of different social groups of Moldavia in the early 20th century. In particular, one may conclude that such ethnic groups as the Jews, Russians, Poles played a significant role in the economic complex of Moldavia. These archive documents are an addition to the studying of Ukraine-Moldavia relations in the early 20th c. They are indicative of the fact that the populaces of Moldavia and Ukraine maintained relations during World War One.

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How To Cite

(2018). Личные дела членов бессарабского землячества студентов Киевского коммерческого института как ценный источник к истории Молдавии и украинско-молдавских отношений в начале XX века.. Moldoscopie, 0(3), 155-176. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-560624