Liczebność i rozmieszczenie rzadkich gatunków ptaków lęgowych w obrębie Obszaru OSO Natura 2000 Karkonosze w 2015 roku na tle wcześniejszych badań awifauny w Karkonoszach
Journal Title: Przyroda Sudetów - Year 2018, Vol 21, Issue
Abundance and distribution of rare species of breeding bids within the Area OSO Natura 2000 Karkonosze in 2015 in relation to the earlier studies on the avifauna We present the results of inventory carried out in the breeding season of 2015 in the Area of Special Bird Protection Natura 2000 Karkonosze. We recorded 27 rare species of breeding and probably breeding birds (total of 840-1020 sites), 17 of them included in Annex I to the Birds Directive, 10 in the Red Data Book of animals of Poland and 12 in the Red List of animals of Poland. The area in Karkonosze is among the most important breeding refuges in the country: Acanthis flammea, Lyrurus tetrix, Falco peregrinus, Prunella collaris and Glaucidium passerinum. It is also of great significance for breeding populations of Motacilla cinerea, Cinclus cinclus, Turdus torquatus, Aegolius funereus and the northern subspecies of Luscinia svecica svecica. We present the abundance and distribution of particular species in 2015 (Table 1., Figs 2-14). We also discuss the changes and abundance fluctuations in the populations within recent years based on the current results and earlier literature.
Authors and Affiliations
Bożena Gramsz, Andrzej Jermaczek, Karolina Dobrowolska-Martini, Kamila Grzesiak, Patryk Chapiński, Tomasz Krzyśków
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