Mediacja z udziałem nieletniego – wybrane aspekty

Journal Title: ADR. Arbitraż i Mediacja - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 43


Mediation in proceedings involving juveniles are still a problematic issue today. Not only because entities subjected to mediation are often not socially developed enough to understand the significance of the act of which they can be both perpetrators and victims, but also because they are often demoralized. In relation to juvenile offenders, mediation is of particular importance. Therefore, special attention should be paid not only to the issues in which mediation involving juveniles should be allowed, but also to the mediator, as well as how and where mediation is conducted. In connection with the importance of mediation proceedings, consideration should also be given to the participation of juveniles in mediation and the rights granted to them, and the role of their statutory representatives and probation officer.

Authors and Affiliations

Jolanta Kajfasz


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How To Cite

Jolanta Kajfasz (2018). Mediacja z udziałem nieletniego – wybrane aspekty. ADR. Arbitraż i Mediacja, 3(43), 49-56.