Model for improving sales quality of companies that provide services

Journal Title: Ekonomika ir Vadyba: Aktualijos ir Perspektyvos - Year 2013, Vol 29, Issue 1


The article introduces the model on improving sales quality of companies which provide services, the advantages of this model are distinguished, every element of the model is examined separately and their mutual links are shown. The analytical method was used to analyse experience of some Lithuanian companies as well as recommendations on the quality management systems' standards on this subject. Authors' works were also referred to while arranging the documents which regulate the activity of specific Lithuanian companies. The article emphasizes that it is very important for the heads of companies to understand the significance of providing satisfaction to consumers and to constantly explore their current and anticipated needs and expectations, which they express toward the services and products that are created or improved. It is an essential condition of competitiveness for every organisation. Keywords: quality, service, product, standard, model, research, process, optimization.

Authors and Affiliations

Linas Šaulinskas , Rūta Tilvytienė


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How To Cite

Linas Šaulinskas, Rūta Tilvytienė (2013). Model for improving sales quality of companies that provide services. Ekonomika ir Vadyba: Aktualijos ir Perspektyvos, 29(1), 152-165.