Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 1


ELECTRONIC BIOMETRIC CONTROL SYSTEM RELIABILITY OF THE FUNCTIONING OF THE HUMAN-MACHINE SYSTEM Meshaninov S.K. Abstract In the operation of complex machines and complexes, man and machine become integrated into one complex technical system. In the process of its functioning in the subsystem "Man-Machine-Environment" there is an adaptation (interaction) of the person and the rest of its subsystems, as a result of which the reliability of functioning as a whole in the system can be both increased and lowered. The subsystem "Man-Machine-Environment" is recoverable and serviced. Therefore, it has structural, informational and functional redundancy and its reliability in general may be higher than that of the remaining subsystems of a complex technical system. The efficiency and reliability of the subsystem "Person-Machine-Environment" largely depend on the psycho-physiological characteristics of a person and on the fitness of machines to interact with a person. That is, biometric control of the physiological and psychological capabilities of a person is necessary to bear certain loads and overloads, to perceive and transmit the required information, to be in the given situation or conditions the necessary time, etc. The human ergonomic properties are a complex of anthropometric, physiological and psychological properties. Thus, the purpose of this work is to study the significance of the human factor in the work of a complex system of biometric control of the reliability of a complex technical system using the example of a coal mine's clearing face. One of the main psychophysiological features of labor of miners is a high degree of their professional risk. This is due to the emergence of frequent conflict situations, created by conflicting motives of behavior in a complex production environment. An analysis of the risky actions of a person has shown that miners of coal mines often have the following motives: a disparaging attitude toward risk; indiscipline; habit of danger; revaluation of their capabilities. A complete and unequivocal forecast of the level of safety in the conduct of work in the purification of human development is impossible because of the specific psychophysiological characteristics of a person; the number of employees, their age and qualifications can be used as controlled parameters for this factor, which should be assessed on a special scale; the main way to increase the level of safety in the bottom hole for the human factor, is to conduct training and training sessions with personnel servicing the face-cleaning staff and regular monitoring of its psychophysiological characteristics. References [1] Cheloveko-mashinniye sistemy avtomatizatsiyi / [avt. teksta V.I. Аrhangelskiy, I.N. Bogayenkoо, G.G. Grabovskiy, N.А. Rumshin]. – К.: NVК «КiА», 2000. – 296 p. [2] Bezopasnost vedeniya gornih rabot i gornospasatelnoye delo / [Ushakov К.Z., Каledina N.О., Кirin B.F. i dr.]; pod оbh. red. К.Z. Ushakova – [2-e izd., stereot.] – М.: Изд-во МГУ, 2002. – 487 p. [3] Meshaninov S.K. Меtodi моdelirovaniya i upravleniya nadeznostyu funktsionyrovaniya gornih virabotok [Текст]: моногр. / S.К. Meshaninov. – Natsionalniy gorniy universitet, 2012. – 360 p. [4] Pronikov А.S. Nadeznost mashin / Pronikov А.S. – М.: Маshinostroyeniye, 1978. – 592 p. [5] Gerletka S. Vliyaniye ergonomicheskih factorov nа elektrofiziologiyu cheloveka // Bezopasnost truda v promyshlennosti / S. Gerletka – 2003. – № 1. – С. 59–63. [6] Meshaninov S.K. Аdaptivnaya моdel sistemy distantsionnogo коntroliya psihofiziologicheskogo sostoyaniya cheloveka / S.К. Meshaninov, Е.А. Коpytovа, А.V. ldovskaya // Аktualni problemy автоматики та pryladobuduvannya: маterialy Vseukr. nauk.-tehn. konf., Harkiv, HPІ, 10-11.12. 2015. PP. 43–44. [7] Meshaninov S.K. Mathematical model of the remote control system of adaptive psychophysiological state / S.K. Meshaninov, A.V. L’dovskaya // Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering vol. 5, № 1, 2015, рр. 37–40.

Authors and Affiliations

С. К. Мещанінов


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  • EP ID EP297267
  • DOI 10.31319/2519-8106.1(38)2018.129052
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How To Cite

С. К. Мещанінов (2018). МОДЕЛЬ СИСТЕМИ ЕЛЕКТРОННОГО БІОМЕТРИЧНОГО КОНТРОЛЮ НАДІЙНІСТЮ ФУНКЦІОНУВАННЯ ЛЮДИНО-МАШИННОЇ СИСТЕМИ. Математичне моделювання, 1(1), 175-179. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-297267