Monitoring in the System of Education Quality Management at the Pedagogical University


In the article “monitoring” is defined as a pedagogical and managerial concept. It is viewed as a process, system and technology. The author analyses the idea and the main characteristics of monitoring in the management of education quality at the pedagogical university. The description focuses on the main directions, functions and types of monitoring (educational, pedagogical, professional) in the educational process of higher education with special emphasis on managerial components. The implementation of monitoring tasks is considered at the level of department, faculty, and university.

Authors and Affiliations

Марія Бойко


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How To Cite

Марія Бойко (2017). Monitoring in the System of Education Quality Management at the Pedagogical University. Studia Zarządzania i Finansów Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu, 13(), 91-100.