Music as a form of non-directive therapy – pedagogical and logopaedic determinants
Journal Title: "Konteksty Kształcenia Muzycznego" - Year 2016, Vol 3, Issue 1
Music is a form of influence on human beings. The article emphasizes the need for showinga non-directive nature of that influence, leading to a holistic model in effect. Itcompares behavioral and personalistic approaches to therapy. The text shows the potentialand limitations connected with focusing on behavioral techniques when workingwith the disabled, and neglecting the emotional and volitional spheres that couldbe developed so creatively through music. The essence of the personalistic approachconsists in a potential search for a creative therapeutic activity in the form of a dialogue.Music therapy, logo-eurhythmics, use of music in therapy constitute important elementsof developing social skills and improving personal life. Currently, when the development ofliving standards and competences do matter, it is important to enhance the effectivenessof conducted actions, therapy in particular, through the use of music and employment ofnon-directive techniques activating higher brain functions. Many times, the author – as aspecial-needs pedagogue and speech therapist – has observed and examined people withsevere developmental malformations who improved their functioning through therapeuticactivities involving music adapted to their needs and potential.
Authors and Affiliations
Jacek Błeszyński
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