Agility as a source of the competitive advantage and the success of the company

Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 4


 This article has the form of an overview study and concentrates on the in-fluence of agility on creating a competitive advantage and on company success. The first part is based around the literature on the subject and presents the nature of the concept of agility as well as the attributes of an agile company, paying particular attention to the competences which make it possible to implement agility. An overview of the newest empirical studies presented in this paper conducted by international researchers indicates the significant influence of the concept of agility (including organisational solutions which enable faster, more flexible and more competent responses to unexpected changes in the envi-ronment) on achieving a competitive advantage and on company performance. Many authors emphasise the key role of the concept of agility and of agile prac-tices on improving company performance and finally its success.

Authors and Affiliations

Maja Sajdak


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How To Cite

Maja Sajdak (2013).  Agility as a source of the competitive advantage and the success of the company. Zarządzanie i Finanse, 11(4), 249-261.