Quality of life and comorbid anxiety disorder in persons with schizophrenia, schizo-affective and bipolar affective disorder under remission
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy (IOSRPHR) - Year 2015, Vol 5, Issue 8
BACKGROUND: Quality of life is considered in clinical psychiatry as an intermediate and distal outcome in the management of major mental disorders. Anxiety disorder is the commonest mental disorder which can be identified easily and can be treated easily. Treating co-morbid Anxiety disorders has multiple benefits of improving quality of life, reducing distress to the patient and family, and performance of the patient. AIM: To assess the quality of life and comorbid anxiety disorder in persons with schizophrenia, schizoaffective and bipolar affective disorder under remission. METHODS: Patients attending for review at Institute of Mental Health (IMH), Hyderabad, diagnosed with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and bipolar affective disorder according to ICD-10 in the past and currently on treatment were all considered. Tools administered included - Mini international neuropsychiatric interview (MINI) to ascertain any other axis I diagnosis; Hamilton anxiety rating scale (HAM–A) to know the severity of anxiety symptoms and WHO QOL – BREF for assessing the quality of life RESULTS : The mean physical health, psychological, social, and environmental domain of WHOQOL-BREF scale scores in schizophrenia, bipolar group and schizoaffective groups were found to be significant. HAM-A mean scores of schizophrenia group, bipolar group and schizoaffective group were 7.23, 7.83 & 5.23 respectively. CONCLUSION In the present study sample, Schizophrenia group scored the highest on WHOQOL-BREF scale while bipolar scored the least. However there was no significant difference among three groups when compared. The most commonly reported anxiety symptoms on HAM-A scale was anxious mood and cardiovascular symptoms. There was no significant difference of anxiety levels among the three groups. In future, studies must be carried out on patients under remission over a period of time, preferably from a sample in the community
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Vivaswan Boorla* , Dr. Siva Prasad Kasimahanti M. D (Psy)
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