New tendencies in the theory of artistic translation: the signs of the reorientation of the communicative paradigm
Journal Title: Науковий вісник Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка. Серія: Філологічні науки (мовознавство) - Year 2017, Vol 8, Issue 2
The article highlights modern trends in the formation and development of artistic translation, reveals the reasons of reaccentuation of scientific approaches to its study as well as recognizes the basic indices to identify the translation paradigm in the context of interdisciplinarity. The scientific priorities formed and summed up by the world literary comparative studies emphasize the importance of influences and analogies, genres and forms, motives and types. It proves to reveal the necessity not only to understand the interethnic relations of particular literatures, influences or borrowings between two or more national traditions, but also to comprehend the processes of global cross-iterary and international diffusion actualizing the alternative aspects of artistic translation studies. The semiotic competence of an interpreter is mainly based on skillful orientation in three dimensions of the text: syntactic, semantic and pragmatic and is identified in two directions: intercultural (inter-literary) communication carried out on the verge of contact between two semiotic spaces and intracultural (inter-artistic) that proves to be available within the semiosphere of the same culture. Furthermore, the introduction of the concepts of translation into the widest context of cultural analysis gives grounds to state that the latter is a vivid testimony to the formal coexistence of static and dynamic issues. According to P. Torop, the first notion is determined as the certain (direct) process of translation of the target text, i.e. from the language into the language which is understood as a relatively clear activity under the formalized rules. Dynamic components due to their difference / multiplicity of perception involve a certain degree of uncertainty and are recognised as the “introduction” of the same text into the sphere of another culture.
Authors and Affiliations
О. Г. Павленко
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