In the article, on the example of modem Polish and Russian languages (confrontative formu lation), the language-reaction analysis has been performed on computerization and development of informative infrastructure. Rely...
The paper analyses Russian translations of The Akkerman Steppes (Crimean Sonnets) from the perspective of perception of nature by the poet and its translations. The author examines their characteristics connected with th...
Maksim Harecki introduced the subject of war to Belarusian literature. This story, analysed broadly, shows the consequences of the war for each party in the conflict. This is seen in the construction of the story, based...
Rzeczywistość wirtualna, czyli językowe odzwierciedlenie techniki komputerowej we współczesnej polszczyźnie i ruszczyźnie
In the article, on the example of modem Polish and Russian languages (confrontative formu lation), the language-reaction analysis has been performed on computerization and development of informative infrastructure. Rely...
Percepcja przyrody w sonecie Stepy akermańskie Adama Mickiewicza i jego przekładach na język rosyjski
The paper analyses Russian translations of The Akkerman Steppes (Crimean Sonnets) from the perspective of perception of nature by the poet and its translations. The author examines their characteristics connected with th...
I wojna światowa i sposób jej przedstawienia na przykładzie opowiadania Maksima Hareckiego Litewski chutorek
Maksim Harecki introduced the subject of war to Belarusian literature. This story, analysed broadly, shows the consequences of the war for each party in the conflict. This is seen in the construction of the story, based...
O затруднениях в синтаксическом анализe предложения
Czas względny a taxis : (na materiale języka polskiego i rosyjskiego)