Оцінка міжсортових гібридів гречки за ознаками короткоденності / Evaluation of intravarietal hybrides of buckwheat by the short-day characteristics


The steady trend of recent decades in Ukraine is the reduction of sown areas and the gross production of buckwheat grains, the loss of export potential, and the transition of culture into a „niche‟ category oriented to the domestic market. Under such conditions there is a need to find new directions of buckwheat cultivation. One of the ways of solving this problem is to develop and implement technologies for stubble sowing and growth of buckwheat in areas with a sufficient level of moisture provision for the summer-autumn period of vegetation. At present, the implementation of this direction is limited because of the lack of specialized varieties and low yields of traditional varieties in conditions of summer crops. Today's breeding programs for short-day buckwheat forms require the expansion of the genetic basis of culture, in particular with using of hybridization methods. The aim of the work was to obtain intervarietal hybrids and to work out methods for creating the buckwheat material with definite characteristics. By previous studies a group of samples with different levels of manifestation of the of short-day characteristics have been identified. According to the results of the selected samples analysis and the complex of summer and autumn vegetation conditions, directions to determine the optimal parameters of the varieties of intensive, semi-intensive and recreational types of cultivation were developed. Taking into account the parameters of each model of the variety, the assessment of intervarietal hybrids (F1) was conducted by comparing them with parental forms by such characteristic as reduction the duration of the interphase period "seedlings-flowering" and increasing of productivity of plants under summer crops conditions. Separation of the area of each group is based on the linear regression between the mentioned indicators and the significance of the statistically significant level of vegetation reduction. Thus, 4 independent groups were identified with different characteristics of realization of short-day characteristics.

Authors and Affiliations

V. Trotsenko, A. Klitsenko


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How To Cite

V. Trotsenko, A. Klitsenko (2018). Оцінка міжсортових гібридів гречки за ознаками короткоденності / Evaluation of intravarietal hybrides of buckwheat by the short-day characteristics. Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія, 22(), 152-162. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-564164