Окремі правові аспекти трудової міграції / Special Legal Aspects of Labour Migration


This article is devoted to the analysis of legislative regulation of the question of labour migration. Authors emphasize that the problem of labor migration has significantly exacerbated recently. In particular, they point out that the consequences, which influence on migration processes, have negative effect on the development of Ukrainian economy and help to reduce the level of labor potential. Sufficient attention is paid to the study of such an issue as "intellectual migration". The authors suggest ways to solve this problem. The article explores not only internal, but also external labor migration processes. A number of international legal sources, which regulate this issue have been analyzed. Attention is drawn to problematical issues, the solution of which would allow to protect labor migrants’ rights properly, eliminate conflict issues and promote the deepening of integration processes. The main focus is on the problem of illegal migration, which completely eliminates legal opportunities to protect the rights of labor migrants. In this connection, the authors propose to create specialized intermediary firms abroad that would engage in the hiring of Ukrainian workers and conduct explanatory work aimed to increase the legal culture of migrants. The authors studied the national regulatory framework of labor migration. It is noted that in recent years the efficiency of work in this direction has improved, in particular, by adopting appropriate legislative acts that have eliminated certain gaps in law. However, the authors assert that the work of improving the regulatory framework should be continued, because many problems remain unresolved. The article also suggests ways to reduce the high rates of labor migration. The authors note that the main reason for seeking work abroad is the lack of it in the country. In this regard, for the authors, it seems promising to deregulate entrepreneurial activity, encourage the development of small and medium-sized business, and introduce new progressive ways to improve indicators of working, in particular through a mentoring process.

Authors and Affiliations

Kateryna Basha, Nataliіa Shvets


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How To Cite

Kateryna Basha, Nataliіa Shvets (2018). Окремі правові аспекти трудової міграції / Special Legal Aspects of Labour Migration. Журнал східноєвропейського права, 47(), 152-164. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-624408