On disintegration of the Emil Jaques-Dalcroze method in the Polish music education system. Reflections on the role of Dalcroze’s solfeggio in a 1st-level music school
Journal Title: "Konteksty Kształcenia Muzycznego" - Year 2018, Vol 5, Issue 1
The method of Emil Jaques-Dalcroze’s eurhythmics combines the three integral, equivalent aspects: eurhythmics, solfeggio and improvisation, which complement each other and thus constitute a coherent, comprehensive and multi-sensory method of music education. The method was successfully transplanted onto the Polish music education system and appeared in curricula for grades 1-3 of the 1st-level music schools in 1976 as an integrated subject named ‘music learning with eurhythmics.’ In 2nd-level music schools, eurhythmics faculties were opened as early as in the 1950s and initiated the training process of future specialists in the Dalcroze method. Finally, as a result of numerous reforms in music education system, the primary school subject was decomposed into ‘eurhythmics’ and ‘aural training.’ The decision on separating the subjects disturbed the concept of an integral training process, included within Dalcroze’s method. This was due to the fact that Dalcroze’s solfeggio took secondary priority to other methods used in aural training, as it is currently possible for music theorists and other specialists to give lessons in this subject. Therefore, two important questions should be asked: 1. Does the reduction of the solfeggio role undermine the entire concept of Dalcroze’s eurhythmics nowadays? 2. Is the use of movement in aural training still necessary?<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Anetta Pasternak, Agata Trzepierczyńska
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