Ontogenetic features of the formation of local immune protection of the mammary gland of cows (literature review and original research)
Journal Title: Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С.З. Гжицького - Year 2017, Vol 19, Issue 78
The authors present modern scientific data on the local immune protection of the mammary gland of cows. Main stages of onto-genetic development of cellular immunity of the mammary gland of cows were traced during clinical and experimental studies. The number of somatic cells in the secret of the mammary gland of the primates was dependent on the period of the functioning of the mammary gland. In the cytology of colostrum mostly (56.00 ± 1.90%) neutrophil granulocytes were predominant, in the middle period of lactation (3–5th month) the proportion of epithelial cells increased (from 29.51 ± 2.17 to 49.59 ± 1.94%), during the launch period, the population of polymorphonuclear neutrophil granulocytes was changing as well, which virtually recovered to the original level and increased during the dry period. The cytochemical reactivity of intracellular lysozyme of phagocytic cells in the secretion of the breast of the primates was from the beginning of lactogenesis and in the middle period of lactation (3-5th month) almost constant. However, at the end of lactation, during the onset and dry, with the development of involutionary processes in the mammary gland, a sharp decrease in cytochemical reactivity of intracellular lysozyme of phagocytic cells was observed. A similar trend was observed in the phagosomal activity of lysosomal cationic proteins. The greatest reactivity of phagocytes was shown in the beginning of lactogenesis in reaction to lysosomal cationic proteins, which acquired its maximum manifestation in the middle period of lactation and gradually decreased at the end of the lactation period. In the period of launch and dry in the secretion of pricking cessation, there was a cytochemical activation of oxigen-dependent factors of protection of phagocytic cells. Consequently, the formation of cellular immune defense takes place in the process of ontogenetic development of the mammary gland of cows. In the firstborn, simultaneously with the formation of secretory function of the mammary gland, there is a gradual formation of natural factors protecting the body. Oxygen-independent and Oxygen-dependent factors of phagocytic protection of the breast of the firstborn are not sufficiently formed, their activation is started from the colostrum period and undergoes a physiological fluctuation throughout the lactation period
Authors and Affiliations
M. M. Zhelavskyi
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