Opinie cu privire la impactul activității practico-științifice a judecătorului asupra actului de justiție înfăptuit
Journal Title: Revista Națională de Drept - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 196
Activity on justice court under authority delegated by law, as a spear tip in the exercise of rule of law, is monitored and watched very carefully by the public and thus the scientific-practical activity, which is a part, is expressed most clearly and clear views on issues of law hearing the proceedings. Practical and scientific activity meets the various court actions, such as developing and publishing opinions on the problems faced by law, teaching activity – teachers, trainers at the National Institute of Justice, the preparation and presentation to conferences, seminars, symposiums, participation in working group drafting the law, decisions explanatory speeches in public debates on legal issues, etc. Without claiming to be relevant or achieve perfect degree, mention that not all actions that form the practical activity-scientific judge, either in terms of approach and motivation, or just below that of legality made solutions, are immune from criticism; their promotion is designed to foster the exchange of professional opinion affirming judge for training and as representative of the judiciary. In that article I presented an important direction of the judge to stage contemporary work on this line of thought, consider that some of the things that are done will find their solution in the near future, while others still may not be aware and therefore made, decision makers will stand out, because the concern of judges to materialize in concrete scientific-practical work and effective.
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