Особливості динаміки самоефективності діяльності зимівників українських антарктичних експедицій (Dynamics of self-efficacy of Ukrainian Antarctic research station staff)


The article deals with the essence, content of and main factors in the phenomenon of self-efficacy. The author analyzes the main research into self-efficacy in foreign and Ukrainian psychology, focusing on professional self-efficacy as well as explores the dynamics of self-efficacy and its manifestations among the staff of Ukrainian Antarctic research stations. The Antarctic research station staff's self-efficacy implies studying individuals who work under extreme natural conditions with long relative isolation and the effects of personal self-efficacy on interpersonal relations in the closed group of people and on their work efficiency. The author discusses the components and the concept of personal self-efficacy in extreme conditions. Analysis of the dynamics of the Ukrainian Antarctic expedition staff's self-efficacy revealed the changes in self-efficacy as a result of work in extreme polar conditions. The author describes the main effects of various factors on the personal self-efficacy of individuals who work under long social deprivation in harsh natural conditions.

Authors and Affiliations

Larysa Bakhmutova


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How To Cite

Larysa Bakhmutova (2018). Особливості динаміки самоефективності діяльності зимівників українських антарктичних експедицій (Dynamics of self-efficacy of Ukrainian Antarctic research station staff). Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія, 13(2), 15-24. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-533170