Osobowość jako ognisko dziejów. Relacja oka i pola widzenia w historiozofii Aleksandra Błoka
Journal Title: Slavia Orientalis - Year 2014, Vol 0, Issue 1
The aim of the article is to present and analyse the dialectics of the individual consciousness and the world (or the history as the world in temporal dimension) in Alexander Blok’s thought. I suggest to conceptualize the problem in terms of Wittgensteinian interaction of the eye and the field of sight (from Tractatus logico-philosophicus 5.631), what leads to a claim, that the subject (eye) is the limit of the world (field of sight). Due to the fact, that the human perception and existence coincide with the objective reality, “world and life are one”, that is, the world as a whole is co-ordinated with the self. Solipsism coincides with pure realism, since the subject becomes the limit of the world filled with objective facts. Comparative analysis of several stages of progression of the text of the poet’s works, such as Retribution and The Iambs, serves the evidence, that for Blok, as well as for Wittgenstein, “the world is my world” or even “I am my world”. What seems to be the real world, turns to be the extension of Blok’s personal existential experience. The significance, the poet’s individuality bears upon the world, perceived from his unique, subjective moment and point of view, seems to be unpalatable. By means of perception and various existential experiences the poet’s self becomes the owner of reality and its limit. Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej I Katedra Kulturoznawstwa Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Fosa Staromiejska 3 , 87-100 Toruń, Poland Abstract: The aim of the article is to present and analyse the dialectics of the individual consciousness and the world (or the history as the world in temporal dimension) in Alexander Blok’s thought. I suggest to conceptualize the problem in terms of Wittgensteinian interaction of the eye and the field of sight (from Tractatus logico-philosophicus 5.631), what leads to a claim, that the subject (eye) is the limit of the world (field of sight). Due to the fact, that the human perception and existence coincide with the objective reality, “world and life are one”, that is, the world as a whole is co-ordinated with the self. Solipsism coincides with pure realism, since the subject becomes the limit of the world filled with objective facts. Comparative analysis of several stages of progression of the text of the poet’s works, such as Retribution and The Iambs, serves the evidence, that for Blok, as well as for Wittgenstein, “the world is my world” or even “I am my world”. What seems to be the real world, turns to be the extension of Blok’s personal existential experience. The significance, the poet’s individuality bears upon the world, perceived from his unique, subjective moment and point of view, seems to be unpalatable. By means of perception and various existential experiences the poet’s self becomes the owner of reality and its limit. The aim of the article is to present and analyse the dialectics of the individual consciousness and the world (or the history as the world in temporal dimension) in Alexander Blok’s thought. I suggest to conceptualize the problem in terms of Wittgensteinian interaction of the eye and the field of sight (from Tractatus logico-philosophicus 5.631), what leads to a claim, that the subject (eye) is the limit of the world (field of sight). Due to the fact, that the human perception and existence coincide with the objective reality, “world and life are one”, that is, the world as a whole is co-ordinated with the self. Solipsism coincides with pure realism, since the subject becomes the limit of the world filled with objective facts. Comparative analysis of several stages of progression of the text of the poet’s works, such as Retribution and The Iambs, serves the evidence, that for Blok, as well as for Wittgenstein, “the world is my world” or even “I am my world”. What seems to be the real world, turns to be the extension of Blok’s personal existential experience. The significance, the poet’s individuality bears upon the world, perceived from his unique, subjective moment and point of view, seems to be unpalatable. By means of perception and various existential experiences the poet’s self becomes the owner of reality and its limit
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Burzyńska
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