Physical efforts in Physical Education Stimulating Cardiovascular Fitness in 13 Years Old Pupils

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2005, Vol 15, Issue 29


The purpose of the work. Reduced level of physical activity negatively influences motor and cardiovascular fitness among young pupils. Systematic physical work develops morphological, metabolic and motor parameters of health-related fitness. How broad is the influence of school physical education classes in this process is less known. Increase in loads of intensity in physical efforts requires improvement of cardiovascular system. The purpose of this study was to establish effectiveness in stimulation and development of cardiovascular fitness during different types of physical education classes.Material and methods. The research was carried out in 2002/2003 among 13 years old boys and girls from a gymnasium school in Poznań. For the monitoring of the heart rate four Polar sport-testers S 601i were used. Each time four boys or four girls wore monitors for the time duration of 45 minutes. Altogether there were 39 different PE lessons examined in boys and 32 different PE lessons were monitored in girls during one semester.Results and conclusions. Various kinds of physical education classes (team games, athletics, gymnastics) provide different physiological effects on a body. The most effective in developing cardiovascular fitness in our research appeared to be classes of outdoor athletics with more than 70% of lesson time with intensity over 140 b/min. Invasion team games also proved to be effective in the area of health-related fitness with more than 50% of lesson time spent exercising with intensity over 140 b/min. The least intense were classes of gymnastics, table tennis and motor fitness testing

Authors and Affiliations

Michał Bronikowski


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How To Cite

Michał Bronikowski (2005). Physical efforts in Physical Education Stimulating Cardiovascular Fitness in 13 Years Old Pupils. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 15(29), 31-40.