Piezoelectric Vibromotors and Analysis of their Dynamics

Journal Title: Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai - Year 2011, Vol 30, Issue 1


The review of piezoelectric vibromotors (PVBM) and a principle of their action is presented in this article. The object reviewed is PVBM, in which slanting impact of piezoelectric vibration converter (VC) has been applied on a moved element: plate, tape, or rotor, and also PVBM with piezoelectric VC with divided electrodes. Designs of PVBM with rotors containing resonator (such as a plate or a thin beam) were reviewed as well. It is an experimental prerequisite that the value of non-synchronicity of rotation of rotors grows the most in elementary PVBM with two rotors, the least − in rolamite PVBM, in which the converter of longitudinal fluctuations rotates both ro¬tors. The variant of rolamite vibromotor, in which the piezoelectric VC rotates both rotors, is optimum. The synthesis of the rolamite-type mechanism and vibromotor allows designing qualitatively new, original mechanisms

Authors and Affiliations

Giedrius Raštutis, Ričardas Ulozas


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How To Cite

Giedrius Raštutis, Ričardas Ulozas (2011). Piezoelectric Vibromotors and Analysis of their Dynamics. Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai, 30(1), 155-165. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-124393