Polish economy development in the years 2007-2014 in comparison to euro area countries
Journal Title: Nowoczesne systemy zarządzania - Year 2014, Vol 9, Issue 1
The analysis of this study were issues related to the evolution of the economic situation in Poland and the euro area in 2007-2014. In the first part of the study was paid attention to the conditions and the course of the downturn in the global economy. Then, all the attention has been directed to the analysis of the factors determining the development of production in the Polish economy and the euro area. In the short term production growth rate determines the main components of aggregate demand. For the analysis of the factors determining changes in the level of the individual components of aggregate demand was concentrated attention in the second part of the study.
Authors and Affiliations
CHRONICLE: Important events in the Institute of Organization and Management in the academic year 2013/2014
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