Polski przemysł muzyczny w latach międzywojennych. Rekonesans
Journal Title: Kultura Popularna - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 50
After the independence had been regained Polish phonographic industry dealt with huge problems caused by warfare. Moreover it had to be recreated from scratch since the way it was organized during annexation was no longer working for the new Polish state. Soon enough, a few years later, out phonographic industry recovered; there were a few competing record companies. The 1930s was the best period for the industry. That is when the record repertoire was the richest and the offer of each record company the most diverse. At the time the record industry established cooperation with a brand new entertainment branch – sound film. The first sound films were developed at Syrena record company. Due to politics and changing trends in the second half of the1930s what the industry had to offer got poorer again and it was mostly entertainment repertoire. After the beginning of WWII, just like other branches of industry, Polish record companies tried to function as usual but after Warsaw capitulation Polish phonography ceased to exist for the next 5 years<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Michał Pieńkowski
Polski przemysł muzyczny w latach międzywojennych. Rekonesans
After the independence had been regained Polish phonographic industry dealt with huge problems caused by warfare. Moreover it had to be recreated from scratch since the way it was organized during annexation was no longe...
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