Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 21
У даній статті розглядаються основні підходи науковців до шляхів вирішення конфліктів навколо де-факто держав на пострадянському просторі. Автор робить спробу спрогнозувати реакцію світової спільноти на потенційні варіанти розвитку проблеми і визначити ступінь вірогідності чотирьох можливих сценаріїв для сепаратистських регіонів пострадянського простору. This article deals with the main scholars approaches to ways of conflicts settlement around de facto states in the post-Soviet space. The author makes an attempt to predict the response of the world community to the potential variants of the problem and to determine the probability of four possible scenarios for separatist regions of the post-Soviet space. The author proposes to focus on the following options: reintegration into the mother country; inclusion of the territory of a de facto state into another state; achieving international recognition as an independent state; status quo preservation. All these scenarios are possible with varying degrees of probability, but are also not mutually exclusive, that is, they can consistently change each other in the process of historical development. The probability of a scenario depends on: the general political climate in the international arena, the position of the world's leading players, the political and economic situation in the mother country, the power of the patron-state. The author considers as the most likely preservation of the status quo, which can be observed since the mid-1990s. The least probable is the association of de facto states with the patron-state. The Russian Federation has no sufficient economic base and international support for such absorption at the present time. And partial recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia changed their legal status, but deprived of de facto sovereignty. The author assures that the scenario of full reintegration into the mother country is most likely for the new separatist entities on the Ukrainian territory. So-called "LNR" and "DNR" authorities failed to build any effective state mechanisms or get support from world powers. Therefore, the main task of the Ukrainian authorities is to prevent the freezing of the conflict at the present stage. The author assume that full reintegration of the separatist territories in the East of Ukraine to the mother country is possible in the event of preventing the freezing of the conflict.
Authors and Affiliations
Олеся Олександрівна Звездова
Рецензія на кн. : Коробка В. Громадське управління у містах Катеринославської губернії (1870 - 1914 pp.) / В. Коробка. - Маріуполь: Акварель, 2014. - 326 с.
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