Prawnofinansowa ocena art. 25 ustawy o finansowaniu zadań oświatowych
Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2018, Vol 57, Issue 1
As a consequence of the solution provided by Article. 25 of the Act and solutions planned at the level of the Regulation on the manner of dividing the educational part of the general subsidy for local government units in 2018, the previous subsidy calculated with consideration of the number students of particular types of schools (including general secondary schools for adults, post-secondary schools) has been divided into two parts: “for participation in classes”, which is unconditional and “for passed exam”, which is conditional and depends on the effectiveness of education. This solution implements a postulate of the Supreme Chamber of Control. As a result of the adopted solutions in case of schools with low level of passing of exams, a subsidy applied to them will be lower than before. Finally, there may be a significant reduction in the amounts of subsidies concerning to adult students in relation to the current level. If the new solution is not neutral for subsidized institutions, violations of the rule of equal treatment of entities running educational institutions may occur.
Authors and Affiliations
Henryk Dzwonkowski
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