Preparation of Future Primary School Teachers to Implement Ideas of Sustainable Development in Maths Classes

Journal Title: Studia Periegetica - Year 2017, Vol 17, Issue 1


Sustainable development in education is the basis of sustainable development of society. To ensure sustainable development in education, its principles need to be implemented in all training courses. Higher pedagogical education should provide training in designing and teaching such courses. At our universities, future primary school teachers are trained to keep their maths lessons in line with the principles of sustainable development in three key areas. The first area relates to the development of pupils’ social involvement through their acquisition of intellectual and practical skills of using maths. The second area concerns pupils’ relationship with their natural and cultural environment. Future teachers are trained to design tasks that stimulate pupils’ emotional engagement and caring attitude. The third area that future teachers are trained to target is pupils’ economic and financial competence. Teaching skills in all these areas can be developed effectively through the case method.

Authors and Affiliations

Sviatlana Gadzaova, Halina Murauyova, Maryia Urban


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How To Cite

Sviatlana Gadzaova, Halina Murauyova, Maryia Urban (2017). Preparation of Future Primary School Teachers to Implement Ideas of Sustainable Development in Maths Classes. Studia Periegetica, 17(1), 75-87.