Principles of application between contradictory Ahadith, and reasons for said application not being possible


The reader of narrated Ahadith sometimes notices a contradiction among them. The question arises, that what is the reason of contradiction? This article will present some principles which will bring the apparent conflicting traditions in line with conformity. It will also express that contradiction in tradition is not actual. such contradictions appear due to the ignorance of the accurate understanding of the traditions. In the end, it will be discussed that why some traditions apparently seem to be conflicting.

Authors and Affiliations

Riasat Ali, Dr. Shehnaz Ghazi


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How To Cite

Riasat Ali, Dr. Shehnaz Ghazi (2018). Principles of application between contradictory Ahadith, and reasons for said application not being possible. The Islamic Culture "As-Saqafat-ul Islamia" الثقافة الإسلامية, 39(39), 29-50.