Производственный кооператив как субъект корпоративного права (на примере законодательства Республики Беларусь и Украины) / Production Cooperative as a Subject of Corporate Law (on the Example of the Legislation of the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine)

Journal Title: Університетські наукові записки - Year 2015, Vol 14, Issue 3


The article discusses issues concerning the definition of “Corporation”, the various points of view regarding the content of this term. There is no single doctrinal approach to determining the nature of the Corporation and its basic characteristics. Based on the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine, the author analyzes the legal status of such organizational-legal form of legal entities as a production cooperative. The possibility of classifying production cooperatives to the subjects of corporate law is substantiated. The paper proposed a universal definition of the Corporation on the basis of which highlighted its fundamental characteristics. The author points out the shortcomings existing in the legislation Republic of Belarus and Ukraine, regulating a legal status of subjects of corporate law, and justifies the need for clearer recognition in the law of the Republic of Belarus the term “Corporation”, and extending the content of this concept in the legislation of Ukraine. It will eliminate the legal uncertainty regarding which entities are subject to corporate law, which, in turn, will allow a question related to these production cooperatives to be solved.

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How To Cite

Авак ВАРТАНЯН (2015). Производственный кооператив как субъект корпоративного права (на примере законодательства Республики Беларусь и Украины) / Production Cooperative as a Subject of Corporate Law (on the Example of the Legislation of the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine). Університетські наукові записки, 14(3), 32-41. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-425543