
У статті робиться спроба визначити місце Миколи Вороного у культурницькому процесі України початку ХХ сторіччя. М. Вороний – талановитий поет, літературний і театральний критик, упорядник альманахів, публіцист, актор, режисер, перекладач з інших літератур українською мовою. Поетична творчість митця привернула до себе увагу певної кількості критиків, однак його публіцистичний доробок ще чекає на свого дослідника. Проаналізована публіцистика письменника, визначається її роль у культурному процесі України. Transitional periods of national culture development of the arts have always been of considerable interest to researchers. It is a historical turning point that brings a great number of arts conceptions created by previous and modern generations to the point of intersection. These conceptions are characterized by interaction and transformation. The Ukrainian literary writing history (from the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century) is typified by the processes mentioned above. The borderline between the two centuries brought with it a large number of significal changes in various domains – from scientific knowledge to collective behaviour (i.e. religious activities, art perception, the new mentality). An acute spiritual crisis of French and German romanticism gave rise to the mentality of the end of the past century based on the emphasized individualism, cosmopolitism, refined and recherché forms and aristocratic disdain for the everyday world. This also concerns other European countries, yet not in large measure. A new style – modernism – came into being (LL modernus – just now). Modernism is a distinctive attempt to combine Western and Eastern art traditions of the antique and the Middle Ages period, classicism and the Middle Ages period, classicism and romanticism. The Ukrainian literature of the analysed period (i.e. the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century) developed under extreme oppression and prohibition on the native language. It was the literary writing of territorially and politically separate nation. Anyway new trends and images, central themes came into being. Interaction between genres, literary styles changed considerably the national literary background which found expression in equal status of realism and symbolism, naturalism and neo-romanticism, expressionism and impressionism. New names of young and creative writers appeared at the time: V. Vinnichenko, Lesya Ukrainka, Olga Kobylians’ka, M. Kots’yubinsky, Oleksandr Oles’, S. Cherkashenko, O. Plushch, G. Khotkevich, V. Stefanik, Marko Cheremshyna, M. Khvyliovy, M. Vorony and others. This shows progressive entry of Ukrainian literature into European culture context. Ukrainian masters of literature following European literary tradition took an active part in public activities, worked out individual literary devices trying to understand very complicated inward life, psychology and morals that transform into multiplicity of genres and styles in literature of the analysed period. The borderline between the 19th and the 20th centuries is marked by search of new criteria for life description, writers’ attempts to understand philosophy of life. The writers also stressed the need for civil enthusiasm and inspiration which should run through the entire literary writing. Among the writers of the analysed period M. Vorony plays a particular role. M. Vorony is a complex, contradictive and many-sided personality in the history of Ukrainian literary writing of the beginning of the 20th century. This paper defines the role of M. Vorony in cultural development of Ukraine at the beginning of the 20th century. M. Vorony was not only a talented poet, he was also a literary critic, an author of anthologies, an essayist, an actor, a theatrical producer and critic, a translator from foreign languages into Ukrainian. Works of M. Vorony were studied bofh at the beginning of the 20th century. The articles about M. Vorony and his works were published in the following journals: ‘Literaturno-naukovy visnyk’, ‘Khyhar’, ‘Chervony Shlyakh’. Deep researches were made by G. Verves, O. Bilets’ky, Tamara Hundorova, Solomiya Pavlichko at the end of the 20th century. The portrayal of M. Vorony presupposes reappraisal of Ukrainian literature rebirth at the end of the 19th and at beginning of the 20th century. It developed under the influence of varios West European trends. Modernism enriched Ukrainian literature in many ways, introduced new content to it, appreciably renewed the form of realization of the writer’s intention. Ukrainian national literature of the beginning of the 20th century developed in tune with West-European literature. Modernism a distinctive phenomenon in world literature. Many critics have examined M. Vorony poetic work. Yet his essays heritage is still out of focus. G. Verves pointed out that the essays written by M. Vorony are characterized by profundity and thoughtfulness. These are almost the only words referred to M. Vorony essays heritage. The paper analyses M. Vorony essays such as ‘Danylo Tanyachkevich’, ‘Extracts of Memoir of M. Kostomarov’, ‘From the Worth. Pavel Hrab Works’, ‘News From Russia’, ‘Pantheleimon Kulish’, ‘Mychailo Hrushevsky. History of Ukraine’, ‘In Memory of V. Belinsky’, ‘Mychailo Komarov’. M. Vorony turned his thoughts to these unsurpassed personalities in Ukrainian culture, it was aimed to bring fresh knowledge to the readership, and that’s what results from his mission to enlighten the Ukrainian people. M. Vorony examined the consummate mastery of the authors mentioned above and asserted their talent and magnificence of their works which were the main motive of M. Vorony essays. M. Vorony’s Beauty Creed always made him pay attention to the literary features of writing. The most important factor in literary writing for M. Vorony was its benefit to the Ukrainian people education. Larisa Levchuk in her research of M. Vorony works came to conclusion that M. Vorony’s aesthetic problems studied by M. Vorony are close to understanding of modern aesthetics. L. Levchuk claimed that in spite of a certain number of studies which deal with the master’s heritage there is a certain number of many-sided aspects of M. Vorony creative and research work which still remain unexplored. The autor points out that M. Vorony as an essayist showed himself to be a talented writer who had an encyclopedic knowledge. M. Vorony’s masterful works on literary and theatrical criticism are to be anlysed in the next paper.

Authors and Affiliations

Maria Nikolchenko, Tamara Nikolchenko


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Maria Nikolchenko, Tamara Nikolchenko (2017). ПРОСВІТНИЦЬКА ВІЗІЯ ПУБЛІЦИСТИКИ МИКОЛИ ВОРОНОГО. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 7(14), 118-128. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-434378